Today over 250 industry representatives attended the
Capital Metro Industry Briefing, where MLA Simon Corbell, Minister for the Capital Metro Agency, announced that
cabinet had approved the Capital Metro business case, and that the light rail project would proceed. It was widely expected news, and provides a major boost to Canberra's public transport sector, and construction and property sectors.
How much will it cost?
The estimated cost of the project is $610 million with a $173 million contingency, a total cost of $783 million.
How it will be built
The government have decided to use a Public Private Partnership to build and operate the light rail system, and will call for Expressions of Interest on 31 Oct 2014. The full Capital Metro business case will be released to the public, and prospective PPP partners.
The approach taken for construction and operation will be a bundled PPP, with a 20 year concession. There will be no ACT Government financial contribution during the construction phase, although they reserve the right to make a financial contribution following that, to reduce debt for example.
How it will be paid for
The project will be paid for through the value uplift associated with Transit Oriented Development, recycling of assets (such as the sale of ACT TAB and the sale of surface car parks) and transport related efficiencies.