Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Capital Metro bidders announced on 22 Dec 2014

The ACT Government announced on 22 December 2014 that they received four expressions of interests from consortiums seeking to build and operate the Capital Metro light rail line from Gungahlin to Civic. The project will be financed and built using a PPP model.

In announcing the four bidders that would be competing for the project, Capital Metro Agency Minister Simon Corbell said: 
"I am very pleased by the level of interest shown by these global, nation and local firms. What it shows is great confidence in Canberra, great confidence in the Capital Metro light rail project. It is about delivering infrastructure to our city, creating jobs and opportunity for our city." 

The EOI process opened on 31 October 2014 and closed on 19 December 2014.

The four bidders that submitted EOI's were:

Canberra Metro
Connecting Canberra

Each of the bidders are consortiums comprised of multiple companies: