Monday, April 2, 2012

Light rail for Constitution Avenue... one day

A disturbing trend in ACT Government publications related to urban transport is the use of imagery of light rail. Its on the front cover of recent transport studies, it is in the Northbourne Avenue Study material (although the study is designed to exclude light rail as an option). Yet another image to build the meme has been released today as part of the upgrade to Constitution Avenue announcement. 
Artistic impression of Parkes Section 3 looking west along Constitution Avenue: The long term vision aims to provide a vibrant, mixed-use grand boulevard with an integrated transport system, broad tree-lined footpaths, outdoor dining and on-street parking. 

The announcement is mainly to trumpet the fact that the Commonwealth has given 42 million dollars as a centenary gift, to fund the Constitution Avenue upgrade. It is one of Canberra's most important streets - and runs from London Circuit to Russell. It also crosses Anzac Avenue. Linking the main CBD to a major employment center (Russell), and passing a major education institution (CIT). It is heavily trafficked by cars and buses, and is an ideal part of a light rail network as it would carry a large volume of passengers.

Sadly, the biggest commitment the ACT Government actually makes to light rail is using the imagery in its publications. An actual commitment to it would require spending some money on infrastructure not related to buses.  

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